Hyrinän Erä Hunting Club operates in Nurmes, Finland and plays a key role in the birth of Sasta. The story of Sasta begun in 1969 when the founder of Hyrinän Erä Hunting club, Urpo Saastamoinen, showed a SarkaWool outfit for his fellow Hyrinän Erä Hunting club members. The outfit that provided unique functionality, was something unheard of at the time and understandably immediately caught the attention of Urpo’s fellow club members, who subsequently wanted such a suit for themselves – the market research was conducted right then and there, says Urpo now decades later.
Still to this day Hyrinän Erä members test Sasta’s products in authentic wilderness conditions - in every weather in all seasons. Hyrinän Erä Hunting club still operates to this day in Nurmes, Finland.