Juha “Norppa” Taskinen is a flight sequel to seal photography. He is best known for his touching Saimaa ringed seal films and books. Taskinen has followed the life of the endangered ringed seal for more than thirty years, but seals have also transported Juha further away from the home lake. Juha has photographed seals in the Baltic Sea, Ladoga, Baikal, the White Sea and Antarctica. Mervi Kunnasranta is a biologist who moves in nature in both research and hobbies. Juha and Mervi have worked together on research and photography for over 20 years. The latest documentary project takes the duo into challenging conditions in the world’s seal lakes in Russia and North America. Off-road work in different seasons in the special conditions of lakes and seas requires perseverance and good equipment.
Mervi Kunnasranta and Juha Taskinen won the Panda Award from the Environmental Association WWF in 2012.